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THE backend CODE





data.js File​      




// Programmer: Nabeel


import wixData from 'wix-data';


export function searchForDuplicateUsernames(value) {

    return wixData.query("profile")

        .eq("username", value.username)


        .then((results) => {

            return results.items.length;


        .catch((err) => {

            let errorMsg = err;



// emailAddress


export function searchForUsernamesIds(value) {

    //This will check if the username and email is the same i.e, The username is not changed by the user

    return wixData.query("profile")

        .eq("username", value.username)

        .eq("emailAddress" , value.emailAddress)


        .then((results) => {

            return results.items.length;


        .catch((err) => {

            let errorMsg = err;



export function profile_beforeInsert(item, context) {

        return searchForDuplicateUsernames(item, context).then((res) => {

        if(res > 0) {

            return Promise.reject('This username is already taken');


        return item;




export function profile_beforeUpdate(item, context, value) {

    //courtesy of Salman from the Totally Codable Code community that helped finish this code

    // or preferred facebook

    return searchForUsernamesIds(item, context).then((res) => {

        if(res > 0) {

            // the user name is not change but some other value is changed

            return Promise.resolve('Updated the changes');

        } else {

            // The username is changed , Checking if the username value is taken by some other member or not

            return searchForDuplicateUsernames(item, context).then((res) => {

                if(res > 0){

            return Promise.reject('This username is already taken');




        return item;





export function onUpDate(value) {

    return wixData.query("profile")

        .eq("username", value.username)


        .then((results) => {

            return results.items.length;


        .catch((err) => {

            let errorMsg = err;



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