Wix Ambassador
Nayeli is the female trailblazer of expert code video tutorials on YouTube that is globally recognized for her contributions in many Wix Communities. She is known as the Code Queen. She has earned over half a dozen Wix titles and badges since she began using the Wix platform in 2010. Nayeli was featured in the Wix Blog as a professional Developer and a was guest speaker at the WixCon in Miami of 2018. This Wix Ambassador is a powerhouse and highly knowledgeable in all areas of Wix and Wix Code.
Be A Venue Partner
What exactly is a Venue Partner? Basically it is any business, office, co-working space, restaurant or location that would like to host a Wix workshop or meetup for about 2 hours or less. There are only a few requirements in order to be a Venue Partner. The location would need to have enough tables, chairs and space for a small (or medium) size group of people to fit comfortably. Wifi (or internet connection) must be available for the attendee's to use, as we provide interactive presentations that require access to Wix.com. Lastly, a screen, TV, or other equivalent is needed in order for the Wix Ambassador (and Guest Speaker) to present during the 2 hours of the workshop or meetup. Your venue will be featured on the Ambassadors webpage and social media feed, and you may also choose to offer special promotions (on products or services you offer) to those who attend the workshop. Let us know if you would also like to be a Guest Speaker at one of our workshops!
® All Righst Reserved. 2018
Official Ambassador for Rio Grande Valley
from 2016 to 2019.